
On this page is related media for TLR UK, if you have any items you want to share on this page for us to consider, please email:

Gospel Tract

The Gospel tracts are designed to complement the Gospel page on this website. I was prompted to design these because, when I was doing outreach with a group, someone asked for some literature they could have. The problem I could see is that most tracts have the sinners prayer inside, which is not a biblical response to the Gospel. This tract navigates people to the Gospel page, which is a lot more comprehensive in explaining the Gospel. Also on the tract there is a link to the movies which are very inspirational.

The Front of the tract.

Click on the image to enlarge.

The image for the Front of the tract

The Rear of the tract.

Click on the image to enlarge.

The image for the rear of the tract


To download these images, right click on them and click on ‘Save Image As…’

I had these printed at Vistaprint, below are the details for the tract:

Category: Flyers & Leaflets

Orientation: Vertical

Size: A5 (148 x 210 mm)

Fold: Bi-Fold

Paper Weight: Budget

Paper: Stock Glossy