We believe that the church is facing a new reformation!
A reformation that will go deeper than any other reformation has before: away from wrong church traditions, and creating an understanding that church is who we as believers are, not where we go to on Sunday. We believe that through this reformation, we will go back to what we read in the Acts: A simple disciple-life led by the Holy Spirit, where the kingdom of God comes near in homes, on the streets, in shops – yes, all places where people are.

The True Gospel
Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected to be able to set us free from our sins. How do we respond to that message? We need to repent and be baptised in water, and we will receive the Holy Spirit, as Peter preached in Acts 2:38.

We need to make Jesus Lord by obeying His commands. Kickstarting is a powerful tool that equips believers to: heal the sick, preach the gospel, cast out demons and be led by the Spirit.

A New Reformation
It’s time for a reformation of the church: A deep understanding that church is not the building nor the institute. It’s the fellowship of disciples that have made Jesus Lord of all aspects of their life.
What we have been up to!
The Pioneer School Online – provoking and life changing
Join the thousands worldwide that followed this incredible training! “This school changed my life!!” – we often hear this from people who followed this school. They encounter a joyful new life with Jesus, with healing and extraordinary leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Subtitles in 10+ languages
- Completely free
- Life changing
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